Saturday, November 5, 2011

ACL Surgery Recovery Exercises - 3 months after ACL Surgery

It sucks when you cant see a physio because of insurance but dont can do everything on your own.

At the 3 month after acl surgery mark I really recommend working on balance by doing single leg activities which forces you to start improving your balance on your knee. Make sure to always be in control when doing these exercises.

A few good exercises...

light cutting drills (running side to side)
lateral lunges
single leg squats (be very careful and in control doing these)

Hopefully these exercises along with my favorite (biking) will get your knee strength and balance back.

Best of luck and let me know how it goes!

Can you try and answer the muscles I should be working on building I goto a gym and do exercise and Cant PT because insurance wouldn't cover it. I'm 3 months in after surgery knee is good but still a little weak and wobbly when lifting,doing lounges,and sqats. Will I ever be able to bend all the way down Around 6 months in?

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