Monday, January 30, 2012

Biking After ACL Surgery

A week to go before surgery and thanks for the tip. Will all your tips arrive pre-surgery?
I am looking at getting an exercise bike before/after surgery and from a looks point of view would prefer a spinning bike as opposed to a magnetic control exercise bike. Have you had any experience of how the different postures for each affects the knees please?
Many thanks

A bike is excellent! I biked after ACL surgery a lot to recover.

Regarding spin vs magnetic...I think for the very first week a recliner magnetic bike would be better because its easier to get in and out of but for the long run I think a spin bike is probably the best. 

I think the only thing with a spin bike to be careful of is the spinning know when you are spinning and then try to stop quickly without using the break it can cause some strange forces on the leg. I dont think it would be a problem but I am just trying to think of what might cause you some problems.

Here is a bike I used at my physios in the first few weeks and it was great it looks like its 50% off at Amazon right now...Spin Bike

Good luck with the surgery....the emails are spread out at about one every few days. 

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

ACl Tear - Question About Vacation

hello ive recently tore my acl (jan 14th complete ACL Tear)and just was on the web searching trying to get a feel of what im about to go through and ive been reading your stuff religiously thanks for your page!

So i  have consultation with surgeon on Wednesday i was wondering what kind of question should i ask? Also i was wondering what kind of condition u r in around the 10 week mark if you r dedicated to rehab? i was wondering if i should cancel a trip i had planned if ill just be limping around the whole time. Thanks for your time and im sure youll be hearing from me through this whole rehab process.


Thanks for the question.

Luckily your questions are somewhat common and I have answers for them...

1. Questions for your surgeon...
Here is my advice on how to pick the right surgeon...

2. Should you cancel the trip?
At 11 weeks you will likely be able to walk but not run so if you can enjoy the trip and not put your knee at more risk by walking than by all means go ahead. If you think you will be pushing your knee a lot ie on it 8 hrs a day on a walking tour of an old city than its a problem. Or if you think you will be putting your knee at risk, drinking a lot at a beach you may want to re-consider. However, if you are going to be going on a casual vacation and not require much walking or do any dancing than you will probably be ok.

Let me know how it goes with the surgeon.

Skiing After ACL Surgery

since that time, i did a ski season last year i skii'd a bit by the end of the season i went too hard on a powder day and my knee swelled up, my surgen said he didnt know if there was a problem and i should wait and see what happenes before i choose to be operated on again.

Skiing After ACL Surgery

I skii'd for the first time this season and my knee swelled up again, what id like to know is if i have a re-tair or its just a bitof water or if its just the miniscus that is the problem now, ive been in pretty much no pain and ave recovered very well in the time since the operation, but will i be able to ski this season, or will i just swell up every time i go for a ski?

Is it normal to swell up when i go too hard on my knee every now and then it dosent really hurt , its just a bit swollen

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tore ACL Playing Soccer

I am a huge fan of your blog.  I tore my acl/mcl about 8 months ago, 7 months post operation.  I feel better month to month, but just not there yet.  You mentioned you came back to early to soccer.  Is there a few things i could do to really know when i am ready to play competitive again?  After doing this once i dont want to do it again.

Playing soccer after ACL surgery is something that a lot of people going through ACL surgery are really interested in coming back from. The important thing to remember is START SLOW. If you are returning to soccer or any activity after surgery make sure to start slow and build up to full speed.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Supplement for Knee Pain

One of ACL Surgery Recovery's readers just send me an email describing his successful ACL surgery. 

What makes his story very interesting is that his knee has some "experience" 58 years worth. I am often getting asked to share stories and timelines for people that are not in their athletic prime and Teds is a great story. 

His "secret" was taking Flexcin Load Up Formula before and after the surgery. 


Read his full story HERE


Jon Haver

Read Ted's full story...

Re-Tore ACL? Do This ACL Test

Im one year like you also I know cause I got my surgery last December 3, 2010. I know yours was around that time I was like a week ahead of your day surgery. Neways I just wanna update you on my knee. Since I've change hospital insurance Im now under the care of kaiser permanente another hospital here. My new doctor saw how my knee would move forward if pulled from under knee and diagnosed it even when I flex my lower leg it moves . She told me that it don't look right and I may have re-torn my Acl or over stretch it. Well my doctor from the other hospital diagnose it long time ago and had told me that its suppose to move like that and will get stronger later throughout the year. My question is does it suppose to that? I think I've mentioned to you this before when I was like 4 months in my post surgery. Anyways Happy Holidays brother hope your knee is doing fine.

If you think you re-tore your ACL you can do this test to have a quick check and see if it is in "loose" - ACL Test

Here is a video explaining the ACL test....

Pain After ACL Surgery

How much pain will I be in after ACL surgery?

Recovering from pain after acl surgery is one of the most common concerns people have with surgery. Here is a question from a reader and the answer I provided is located here

I am a 50 year old woman and I have a complete tear of my ACL, partial tear PCL and a menicus tear.  They will be using  a petella cadvar because of my age.  I will be an outpatient and my husband will be with me the first day.  After that I will be on my own.  I read your blog but cannot tell if you were able to move without assistance on day 2.  My concern is my ability to get myself up from the couch and to the bathroom throughout the day while my husband and son are at work.  Is it possible to do on your own.  I am concerned with the pain upon standing.  I will also have a brace which you did not.  How was your movement on day 2 assisted?  I am a biker and have strong legs but since the accident almost a year ago I have not done much biking.  I did go yesterday for a short distance and my whole leg aches so now I am concerned about my strength in that leg also.  I have obviously lost some muscule.  Please let me know how bad the pain was upon standing the second and for that matter the 3rd day.