I'm so extremely happy to find this site. I’m a junior in highschool. I play soccer at a VERY competitive level for club & play for my highschool. I tore my ACL this July on the 15th. I am still waiting to schedule my knee surgery *sigh* & have been doing physical therapy and working at the gym. PT just stopped my sessions because I have full range of motion & my strength back. I guess my question is… What is the best graft for me? I’m 95 lbs 5ft tall, speedy & very aggressive outside mid.. I tore my ACL by just simply crossing. I’m leaning towards patellar but I’ve heard about knee pain many years after surgery. I want to continue to play & be active my whole life.
Sorry to hear about you tearing your ACL! I know it can be pretty terrible.
Sounds like you are doing everything right.
As far as Pettella vs Hamstring vs Cadaver I dont have a strong opinion or any big insight. From everything I have seen the stats all seem to be about the same as far as long term recovery, Cadaver seems to be able to get people back a little quicker.
My only piece of advise with that question is its really up to you and your surgeon, if your surgeon does 95% of his surgeries with a hamstring graft than I would suggest you go with what he is most experienced with.
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