Monday, September 17, 2012

Playing Soccer After ACL Surgery

I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and the different little things in it. I am into my 4th week post ACL surgery now and been progressing pretty well.

My main question is about your re-tear the first time on returning to soccer at 8 months. I was told around the same timeline from my therapists. About 6-8 months returning to play pick-up and then ease back into competitive soccer.

I noticed you mentioned about being cleared to return at 8 months. What was the reason for your re-tear, I mean any particular part of the rehab not done well ? or just a return to competitive sport without pick-up ?

Just keen to know so I don't face the same issue. I am gutted to be out of soccer for 8 months and am clearly looking to return asap.

(this guy is pretty amazing - both juggling skills and moving around after ACL surgery!)

My main mistake when I returned to soccer was that I did not return slowly and build up to competitive level. 

I had just finished University and so had spent a couple months studying for finals...once they were over and I was at my new job I went out and played competitive soccer which ended up in me tearing my ACL. 

So I think you have a great approach to start slow and take it easy until you get confident. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How To Improve Range of Motion After Knee Surgery

 I had ACL reconstructive surgery 9 weeks ago. I have had a really hard time with Flexion...I had to have my quad pushed aside because the initial clamp did not want to take to my bone, so a screw and washer had to be put on. Due to this I had a Charley Horse in my quad for the first three weeks making it nearly impossible to get any bend. So at 9 weeks I am only at 90 degrees. I do my therapy at home, I work my butt off at PT and yet I'm not getting anywhere. I do the heel slides, the quad sets, the bicycle, the hamstring curls, I even have my fiance pushing to get extra degrees. IS there ANYTHING else I can do?? The doctors are saying I may have to go back under and do manipulation... Thank you!

If you still have any swelling in the knee than I recommend trying this method out... 

Here are some exercises which it sounds like you are already doing but if not maybe these can help...  

The final tip is a little expensive but it can help with the blood circulation to get better range of motion. You can see it here...

Hopefully one of these helps. Sorry to hear you have been struggling, if there is anything I can do to help let me know.

ACL Reconstruction after Soccer Injury

I'm so extremely happy to find  this site. I’m a junior in highschool. I play soccer at a VERY competitive level for club & play for my highschool. I tore my ACL this July on the 15th. I am still waiting to schedule my knee surgery *sigh* & have been doing physical therapy and working at the gym. PT just stopped my sessions because I have full range of motion & my strength back. I guess my question is… What is the best graft for me? I’m 95 lbs 5ft tall, speedy & very aggressive outside mid.. I tore my ACL by just simply crossing. I’m leaning towards patellar but I’ve heard about knee pain many years after surgery. I want to continue to play & be active my whole life.

Sorry to hear about you tearing your ACL! I know it can be pretty terrible. 

Sounds like you are doing everything right. 

As far as Pettella vs Hamstring vs Cadaver I dont have a strong opinion or any big insight. From everything I have seen the stats all seem to be about the same as far as long term recovery, Cadaver seems to be able to get people back a little quicker. 

My only piece of advise with that question is its really up to you and your surgeon, if your surgeon does 95% of his surgeries with a hamstring graft than I would suggest you go with what he is most experienced with. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Riding A Horse After ACL Surgery

Here is a thank you email from someone who has recovered well from their ACL surgery. 

Good afternoon, I had my acl in September 2011, falls off his horse in a jumping race. I am 45 years old, I'm a marathon runner, sports practice every day, I had an operation after making the magnetic resonance ie four weeks after the fall. I felt no pain after the operation, I was five weeks on crutches. I started physical therapy immediately for six months and did two hours a day. Eleven months ago today I had surgery, my goal is to run a half marathon, however, has not run more than five kilometers. I still have difficulties and little confidence to increase the pace. I Do five times a week 40 minutes of cycling, and weight and also swimming. Reading your story helped me a lot and all the advice you wrote.

After three months I was riding horse again today already participate in championships without feeling any pain. I'm strengthening my leg daily.

Thank you for helping me without you even know that your blog has been a great help to my torn ACL.