Friday, November 25, 2011

Reduce Swelling and Pain After ACL Surgery

Do you have any tips on reducing swelling or pain on day 2 my daughter is miserable -any help you have for day 1-10 would be great/ thx!

Here is my answer to this commonly asked question.

Swelling and pain are definitively some of the biggest challanges faced early on after ACL surgery.

Here is my best advice on how to deal with both...

Let me know if you have any more of luck to your daughter


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Running After ACL Surgery

I had my Surgery last Friday and managed to walk on the 5th day. It seems to be improving every few hours seems a little better.  I noticed though that it feels like I've had a little bit of a charlie horse ever since I got out of surgery until the 8th day and the muscle at the back of my knee seems like it's hurting when I go to extend my leg. Other than those seems like it's doing well 
Thanks for the information you put up on your site. I've been doing those exercises along with what the hospital gave me.
Good luck on your recovery. from the looks of it I imagine you are just about running after knee surgery by now.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

3 Months After ACL Surgery

3 months after acl surgery and being able to do single leg jumps from a step! that is really remarkable, it can be done but you must be doing an exceptional job with recovery! 

I don't know the %'s but you must be in the top 10% based on recovery time. Keep it up but don't push too hard and ruin this great recovery.

After my first surgery I thought I was a champ skiing after 4 months but then didn't continue my physio and when I went to play soccer at 8months I tore my ACL again. I don't tell you this to scare you but hopefully motivate you to continue doing the things that you are obviously doing right until you are absolutely 100%. 

Fix it right the first time and with the great start you are having you should be able to recover 100%!

Just curious to know your opinion on my recovery.
I torn my ACL and did some cartilage damage playing a hurling game in July this year and got the ACL operation (hamstring graft) on the 23 Aug last.
Since the operation recovery has been going well, in fact brilliant!
I am well ahead on all stages of recovery. I lost very little/ no muscle from my thigh/calf muscles. It is nearly 11 weeks now and I have I can not only jog but can twist and turn jogging. All done with no pain/ swelling.
In the gym I can leg press over my own weight. Do single leg jumps from a step on the operated leg...etc etc.

Is this common for an ACL recovery to be going this well ?
Do you know of similar examples ?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My ACL Surgery Recovery Story

Here is my ACL surgery story, I was just recently "diagnosed" with a torn acl and am needed to do the surgery. The doctor who is doing my surgery is not seeing patients until January. I was a sports clinic today and have a follow up appointment next week so they can look at me knee a little better (it was too swollen for some of the test, my injury happened a week ago). I will be starting physiotherapy soon but am still required to be on crutches. My question mainly is: Will I be able to walk before my surgery, and attend physio still on crutches?


Saturday, November 5, 2011

ACL Test - Find Out If You Tore Your ACL

I am six months post-op everything seen to going ok, no pain or instability. But I am always checking my knee by doing the "anterior drawer" test on myself. I can really move it out a ways compared to my other knee. I would say at least 5mm or more. I had my own patellar tendon as the graft. Everyone I know that has had there acl done never tried to do this, so I have nobody to compare this to. Do you think it's bad to keep checking my knee that way? It has been that way since day one. Do you think I stretched the graft out by doing that? My injury was from a MVA and I had a tremendous amount of swelling in my knee and I lost 2/3rds medial meniscus. I am going to see my surgeon this week to ask him these same questions. Just wanted your input.

My Answer:
I have been doing the same thing on my knee especially since I had a little ACL problem early on.

Here is how you can test your own ACL.

To answer your question on Laxity in your ACL after surgery I have found the same thing. My right knee after 2 ACL surgeries is not as tight on the anterior drawer test as my left knee.

For me since I am no longer a competitive athlete is not a significant problem I just need to make sure I continue to do exercises to keep the hamstring and quads as strong as possible to compensate for a potentially "looser" knee.

Hope this helps.

ACL Surgery Recovery Exercises - 3 months after ACL Surgery

It sucks when you cant see a physio because of insurance but dont can do everything on your own.

At the 3 month after acl surgery mark I really recommend working on balance by doing single leg activities which forces you to start improving your balance on your knee. Make sure to always be in control when doing these exercises.

A few good exercises...

light cutting drills (running side to side)
lateral lunges
single leg squats (be very careful and in control doing these)

Hopefully these exercises along with my favorite (biking) will get your knee strength and balance back.

Best of luck and let me know how it goes!

Can you try and answer the muscles I should be working on building I goto a gym and do exercise and Cant PT because insurance wouldn't cover it. I'm 3 months in after surgery knee is good but still a little weak and wobbly when lifting,doing lounges,and sqats. Will I ever be able to bend all the way down Around 6 months in?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ACL Surgery 12 Weeks Post Op Question

Here is my 12 week update....

At the 12 week after ACL surgery I was starting to get into joggin on even surfaces and lots of biking. The biking was in my mind the best thing for the knee to get some strength back and lots of circulation.

Hopefully your recovery continues to go well.

Hey I messaged you before, soon after my operation, when I couldnt bend it straight, your exercises helped me alot, and im 12 weeks post op my knee feels good, still going to physio strengthening and doing balancing and etc. Do you have any exercises that would be good to do at home for the 12 week point?
Thanks alot!

How To Diagnose ACL Injury Symptoms


The only way to know foresure if you have an ACL injury is to get an MRI but seeing the ACL Injury Symptoms may help you determine if you should go and get a..

Lachman Test
Pivot Shift Maneuver Test

From a doctor or even an MRI

Have a look at a recent post on regarding ACL Injury Symptoms to learn more...