Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two Weeks After ACL Surgery

Hi there, im two weeks out of my acl surgery hamstring graft, i can limp around without crutches. Ive been trying to get my leg straight by using that sitting on ground and pushing down on your knee method, but it is uncomfortable. It is also uncomfortable to bend it while laying down, is this all normal for where im at( 2 weeks in) my knee still has swelling i do try ice it a few times a day. When i try walk sometimes my leg if im not careful can kind of snap back to being straight and it does
Hurt/confortable. Should i just keep pushing on my knee as much as possible?

Sounds like you are having some knee range of motion issues, what I recommend is some of the 5 exercises listed here:

The one I think you would most benefit from is exercise number 1.