Monday, May 23, 2011

Rehab After ACL Surgery

Should I still be going to Rehab after ACL surgery? The answer will likely surprise you...

It has been 5.5 months since my surgery and I have been working hard on recovering from it so that I can fully return to activities such as running, mountain biking etc...

Have a read on the post to see if you think I made the right decision...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5 Months After ACL Surgery

After having surgery Dec 8, 2010 I have now just gotten back from my first vacation after ACL surgery. This vacation 5 months after acl surgery involved mountain biking, running and hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. This vacation was a great test for my knee to see where I stand with my recovery and what I should be doing to further speed my recovery and return to full activity. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

ACL Test

Here is a method I have used with some success to try and do a ACL Test on myself...

This ACL Surgery question comes from Jonathan. He was wondering if there is an ACL test he can do himself. I completely understand the motivation to try and determine yourself if there has been any damage to the knee by doing the test yourself.

Hi Jon, I am curious to know if there is a way I can test my acl graft by myself. I haven’t done anything that would put my acl in jeopardy, but if I do, I would want to test it to see it if it isn’t lax. So if there is a way that you have found to do the test by your self? Thanks

Testing yourself to determine if there has been an increased laxness is really difficult! I dont believe I can do it.

However after I re-tore my ACL I was able to do a ACL test on myself and was confident it was re-torn.